We are always willing to know about what's going on in our body when something isn't right.
Hi I am Yuri, from BETWIXT BODY CARE in Portland VIC and we offer you Pain Relief Treatment to improve your physical pain and a general massage to re-energise you.
We treat a lot of clients with physical pain and most visit us with low back pain.
You can eat a healthy diet, exercise religiously, and follow every single one of your doctor's recommendations-- but no matter how healthy or well-conditioned your body may be, at some point, your lower back is almost destined to cause you problems.
So, is your lower back issue the same as the person next to you?
The answer is probably “NO”, and you are probably thinking “of course, not!”
So, where is your lower back pain coming from??
Bad posture?
Repetitive work?
Hard bed mattress?
Hip position?
Pelvic title?
Muscle weakness?
Fascial adhesion?
Yes, there are many reasons can cause your lower back pain and the cause of your body pain can be found and treated.
If you are not sure what is causing your pain, I recommend you to visit a manual therapy specialist.
Pain is the message from your body that something is not right and itshould be investigated about where and why having a problem when you take steps to repair your body, as each person has an individual "driver" o pain...
The cause of pain is waiting for being found...and it's time for releasing your pain...